International Business Development & Cultural Exchange Mission to Japan from Florida [Report]

Our client SelectFlorida organized International Business Development & Cultural Exchange Mission to JAPAN combined with the 45th SEUS JAPAN CONFERENCE in October 2023. This one week program consists of cultural exchange trip to Kyoto, site visits to famous Japanese companies, business seminar to promote Florida, meetings with the government and conference of SEUS Japan.

Our team as SelectFlorida Japan office mainly worked on arranging a business seminar, meetings, site visits and logistics. The business seminar which invited approx. 50 Japanese companies consists of two parts, First Session: Multi Industry – Doing Business in Florida and Second Session; Space Panel. The 1st session introduced the investment environment of Florida to potential Japanese investors in multi-industries and the 2nd session invited panels from Florida, JAXA and Mitsubishi UFJ Bank who discussed the business opportunities in the space business field, Florida.

The delegation was very successful with fruitful events and meetings and all the participants from both Florida and Japan seem satisfied with the programs we arranged. It’s a great honor for us to have the delegation from Florida twice in 2023 and hope to have the next one in the near future.