As in consumer electronics industry Japanese companies such as Sony, Panasonic and Sharp are not doing well recently, while other …
As in consumer electronics industry Japanese companies such as Sony, Panasonic and Sharp are not doing well recently, while other …
You can find descriptions of Japanese products or Japanese consumer behavior on social networking sites or blogs written by visit …
You may suppose that distributors are always searching for new products all over the world in order to expand their businesses. H …
In these years, we see some trends of Japanese manufacturing companies on their procurement from overseas companies. This is beco …
We recommend that you consider establishing a Japan office for your market entry. Our rationale for recommending this is as follo …
Because of the effect of Tohoku Earthquakes on March 11, 2011, it is expected that economic activities will be limited and econom …
When you do business in global market, it is quite common understanding that it is risky to apologize to customers immediately af …